MLS Demo Patch 10-15-24
TAKE NOTICE: Using an existing save after applying this patch may result in having no deck when you enter combat due to the re-balancing of Brain Space costs for cards. If so, all you need to do is go to Edit Deck and make a legal deck for you to use.
- A rewritten final tram scene with the Director
- Added a new way to bypass the Barracks guard
- 2nd Half-Croc fight has some new artwork + increased damage
- Dialogue and tweaks added to the Spike fight
- ‘How to Combat’ section added to the Guide
- Oss fight new mechanic
- Rereading Memories has a new choice based menu
- Adjusted Brain Space costs for cards
- Adjusted damage of some cards
- The Barracks room has been added to
- Skull icon added to Curse cards
- Talking to inmates as Constant gives you the option to Analyze
- Petty Penguin gives some help text before you go into the Boss Den
- Some Petty’s records have been added
- Wrong fight starting if you enter Barracks as Muffles fixed
- Epilogue scenes fleshed out a bit more
- Lighting on cellar to better indicate path to generator
- Brick Wall replaced with Brick Bash
- Faceless Fury replaced with Bob and Weave
- Focused Fury renamed to Well of Anger (and now works)
- Grog portrait/char art added and dialogue tweaked
- Adjusted some too-loud SE volumes
- Updated the Chapel
- Some inconsistent text coloring fixed
- Some dialogue with missing portraits fixed
- Added SE to gaining Jar of Humors