Tune in to Episode 2- new music for Muffles’ journey
Hello my fellow gamers,
The time of holiday is upon us, and with it comes mirth, merryness, and most of all- music! Today I’m excited to pull back the curtain a little bit for the music on Episode 2. It’s been harder and harder to make these DevLogs and not spoil the next setting Muffles’ and company will be finding themselves in. But a few spoilers never hurt anyone- let’s jump in!

New episode, new approach to music
Many of my favorite tracks from Episode 1 feel so specific to the atmosphere and setting I was trying to create. Suzan’s jazz bop combat music, the twinkly and unsettling underground tunnel track, and the expressive piano melodies accompanying a trip to The Yard.
But the atmosphere of Episode 2 feels different. It’s wilder, bolder, and untamable. Nature and traversal play a bigger role than before, and the character’s you’ll meet are ones who’ve been tough enough to survive this place. So how does this affect the music?
In this track you’ll hear new instruments unused in Episode 1- the wavering tremolo guitar, and the wonderfully mysterious synth from FLEX called Special Fire. I wanted a simple track that slowly built on itself, that felt as somber as it did stirring. When I listen to this track I think of the wilderness, the awe of the unknown, and trails yet to be taken.
Alright fancy music guy- how about something fun?
But where are the bops? The grooves, the shuffles, the bangers?? You may have heard this track already if you frequent the BossyPino Discord, but it’s as hip-shaking and head-bopping a tune as any on the previous Episode (imo).
I achieved the dreamy underwater effect with FL Studio’s Love Philter using a preset called ‘Simple Triangle Low Pass LFO’. Essentially, this just means using an oscillating low pass filter, making the groove slowly slip between its normal sound and a much more muddy, bassy, obscured sound. It’s a pretty extreme effect, and I had to make sure to have some very intentional low end instrumentation (drum and bass) to ensure the rhythm and flow of the track carried through no matter how affected the track was by the plugin.
To better contrast the use of the plugin, here’s the track without the filter on it (this track also replaces the drums for bongos, but that’s about the only other difference). I also use this track in the game- I liked the way both turned out! You might even hear a little bit of the melody in this one that you’ve heard in previous tracks- which is definitely 100% coincidence, most definitely not on purpose, Bossy could never be so coordinated.

Future livestreams mean sharing more music

Nomad recently announced on the Discord that Bossy (that’s me) will be having some scheduled livestream dates for his Patrons starting early next year! What this means is that you’ll have the opportunity to hear him prattle on and on and on while he tinkers with making new musical tracks and goes under the hood for old ones. He’ll probably even play guitar for you if you ask.
Bossy has a special place in his heart for the music he’s made for Muffles- and the opportunity to share how he made wrote/recorded/mixed it all is pretty exciting! If you’re interested, you can hop on the Discord/Patreon for more information, or @BossyPino and blast him with all your questions. Well, not all of them. He actually knows very little, all things considered.
It’s December?!? What the hell!
Wow. Time has been flying. How much time is left until Bossy wants Episode 2 to be ready?? Yikes! He has alotta work to do!
I hope this winter season finds you all calm, cozy, and contemplative. It’s been a long year, and we are coming up on the perfect time to reflect on what’s come to pass, build out our possible futures, and most of all sit in the present we find ourselves in and hold space for thanks.
If you’re excited to hear MORE music but just can’t wait for Episode 2- never fear! The whole OST for MLS Episode 1 is up on YouTube- listen here!
And for all of y’all who read to the end… hi. Also, here’s another track that got shared on the Discord that I’m not sure fits in Episode 2! Share what you think! Or don’t! Bossy is an introvert who mostly lurks too!